The team at Washington Post Opinions is using this space to bring you occasional conversations reacting to the biggest stories we’re talking about. As we continue to share discussions, we’d love to know what you think and what you’re craving to hear. We wanted to quickly react to today’s news and hope you find the conversational useful and thought-provoking
The U.S. Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in college admissions is a huge development for law, education and politics. It’s also, if you’re a Black person who attended a school that considers race in admissions, something of a personal story. So Post Opinions columnists Christine Emba (Princeton) and Perry Bacon Jr. (Yale) discussed the ruling, its implications for potential students and graduates of elite colleges, how it fits into America’s legacy racial history and the “reckoning” of the last few years; and their own personal experiences as Ivy League students and alums.