Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Opinion | 91 charges later, indictment fatigue is the Trump era in a nutshell

Opinion | 91 charges later, indictment fatigue is the Trump era in a nutshell

To be indicted once might be regarded as a misfortune. To be indicted four times on 91 counts starts to look like carelessness. At a certain point, you cannot help but think: another one? Did Donald Trump do anything else for four years? Did he even try to govern? If I were president of the United States, I would occasionally ride around in Air Force One marveling at how small everything looked. I would go to the Library of Congress and say, “Show me all the oldest books you have!” and that would keep me busy and out of trouble for a week, at least. But if these indictments are to be believed, that is not how Trump operated. It’s as though there was just one passion with him, and it was doing things for which he would be charged later. Also, surrounding himself with unsavory associates. If you asked him, “Would you like an associate who is savory or one who is unsavory?” every time he would say, “Give me the second one.”

Enough people are bored by the fact that the former president keeps getting charged with crimes that there’s even a term for it: indictment fatigue. Imagine! This is the Trump era in a nutshell. In a horrifying, unprecedented manner, the Hellmouth is opening up to release demons, but this happens regularly on Thursdays now, so people are bored with it! All you have to do, if you want to get away with something, is do it at least twice. It then ceases to be unprecedented and people can develop fatigue about it.

Breaking down the 91 charges Trump faces in his four indictments

Boy, I wish that applied to other areas of life!

As a new parent, I keep thinking, “Change another diaper? But I just changed a diaper.” I would certainly love to declare diaper fatigue. No, we don’t need to change the diapers anymore! We have changed enough of them; we get the general sense of what is going to be inside. After a certain point, it feels like piling on, you know? It begins to feel as though They are out to get us. Surely this can’t just be a direct consequence of the baby’s actions; it’s got to be a conspiracy. Someone (They!) is sneaking into the home and filling these diapers with horrible, noisome substances and expecting me to deal with them. Well, I won’t. I stand with babies against those conspirators who are trying to weaponize the digestive system against us. This simply cannot be what happens every time you eat food.

Similarly, with indictments, you don’t need to keep piling on. People get the idea. You start adding more and more and it just feels excessive. It’s like, state and federal crimes? Pick one! Streamline, streamline, simplify! What are these details telling us?

I think we should apply this premise that you can just get tired of the consequences of your actions and decide they are no longer interesting to more areas of life. No gravity today, thanks. I get the general sense and do not need any more examples. Also, I am sick of hitting the ground when I fall off ladders. Today, I am going to float.

Are you trying to remove cancer from your lung? Did you get a bit of it out? That should do, then! Are you counting votes? We counted a few of them; must we really keep counting? Just get a gist and call it a day! I have been to my general practitioner a single time! That’s great! I’m set for life! Breathe air? No, thanks, I have air fatigue. Read a book? No, I read one last year. Shower? No, I have shower fatigue. Experiencing consequences? Nope, I have consequence fatigue.

No more emails, thanks; I received some yesterday. I am all emailed out. Stop saying that I am receiving emails only because I myself sent emails; I won’t hear it. I don’t want any more.

It’s like watching one chicken come home to roost. “Great!” you think. “A chicken has come home to roost!” And then there are 90 more chickens. To me, this gets more and more alarming. It’s like, how many chickens did this guy even have? Where was he getting these chickens? But to some Observers (wiser, more jaded), you see one chicken, you’ve seen them all, and the rest of the roosting can be taken on faith.

Or it’s like watching someone throw 91 balls into the air. I don’t know that it’s going to be riveting watching all 91 of them fall to the ground, but once he has thrown them into the air, you’re sort of stuck.

Catch a cold? No, I’ve had colds in the past; I am fine. Get a hangover? No, I had one in 2018. The right number of indictments is one fewer than we currently have.

No, I am not saying that at a certain point if you do enough crimes people should just let you do the crimes. I’m simply saying: Enough is enough.

What do you mean, he should have thought of that when he was doing it?

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