AFP accused of ‘excessive force’ by protester during Chinese premier’s visit to parliament

Critics of the Chinese Communist Party have accused the Australian Federal Police of using “unnecessary” force against demonstrators who were protesting against a visit by a Chinese official on the lawns of Parliament House.

Chinese premier Li Qiang’s four-day visit to Australia sparked a face-off between protesters in Canberra on Monday, with pro-China demonstrators colliding with the Australian Tibetan community and the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, vocally opposing his visit.

Human rights activist and journalist Vicky Xu criticised the AFP after she was filmed being dragged by officers as she held the Chinese flag on Monday.
“A friend of mine had a Chinese communist party flag, that he was planning to burn,” she told SBS News.
“I saw that the police were trying to forcefully take the flag away from him, so I intervened and tried to understand what was happening.

“Next thing I knew I was being shoved by the police.”

She claims an officer had a hand on her neck and that her finger was twisted during the incident.
While she understood the need for the AFP to reduce the temperature and ensure peaceful protesting, she said it was “too much force”, labelling it “brutalising” on X.

SBS News contacted the ACT Police for comment.

Pro-China supporters have clashed with members of Australia’s Tibetan community and the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement outside Parliament House in Canberra. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas

In a statement they said: “The AFP has received no complaint in relation to police conduct in managing protests today at Parliament House,” an AFP spokesperson said.

Police have been forced to intervene from time to time as the protesters confront one another.

The tense moment has been contrasted with a warm reception for Beijing’s second most powerful leader, with the day starting with a ceremonial welcome, including a cannon salute, on the forecourt of Parliament House in Canberra.

Chinese premier Li Qiang inspecting a guard of honour outside the Australian parliament house.

Li’s visit started with a ceremonial welcome. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

Li declared that Chinese-Australian ties were “back on track after a period of twists and turns” when he arrived on the weekend, for the first visit by a Chinese premier in seven years.

China-Australia relations ‘on right track’

Premier Li arrived at Parliament House to meet with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and several cabinet members including Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, Trade Minister Don Farrell and Resources Minister Madeleine King.
The prime minister’s November trip to China followed by Li’s current visit to Australia showed both countries attached “great importance” to their relationship, the premier said.

“This relationship is on the right track of steady improvement,” he said.

Two men in suits shaking hands and smiling.

Both the Chinese Premier Li Qiang and the Prime Minister have expressed how crucial the visit is to bilateral relations. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas

“Prime Minister Albanese and I have had a candid, in-depth and fruitful discussion that has reached a lot of common consensus.”

Albanese said the bilateral talks were crucial for the Australia-China relationship which had been “renewed and revitalised” by the engagement.
The politicians signed four memoranda of understanding on the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, climate change, education and research, strategic economic dialogue, and cultural cooperation.

Representatives of both nations then attended a state lunch with business and community leaders where they were served wine, wagyu beef and, most notably, Australian rock lobster – which remains subject to trade restrictions.

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt noted there had been “enormous progress” in restoring trade with China in the past few years after sanctions on coal, wine and barley were lifted.
The remaining trade bans are expected to be lifted within the coming weeks.
Also on the battle agenda of the high-level talks was the case of Australian writer Yang Hengjun, who languishes ill in a Chinese jail, and tensions in the South China Sea.

With additional reporting from AAP

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