(BPRW) ART 2063 Presents – Transatlantic Partnerships: Models and Opportunities | Black PR Wire, Inc.

(BPRW) ART 2063 Presents – Transatlantic Partnerships: Models and Opportunities

(Black PR Wire) Africans Rising Together 2063 (ART 2063) is an initiative of Africans in the Diaspora to build bridges of reconciliation, and constructive partnerships for the common development of people of African descent.

This webinar will be solutions and opportunities oriented. The webinar theme is Trans-Atlantic partnerships will expose participants to models of collaboration between Africans on both sides of the Atlantic. The areas to be covered are education, business, tourism, and the role of the media in changing the narrative about Africa.

Key speakers will also address issues on the identity of African people, which will feature renowned panelists in their fields to lead discussions along with Q/A sessions. We will provide resources for you to connect with experts and ways to control messages in the Black community.

The webinar will end with practical ideas on how to participate in the ART 2063 movement.

Registration is Free, but donations are appreciated and accepted.

Visit the ART 2063 for further details: https://art2063.org.

ART 2063’s purpose is to raise awareness of a broad range of cultural issues by leveraging education toward holistic transformation, positive actions, and strategic connections. Our action plan includes organizing strategic initiatives to create social, economic, and cultural awareness. We also work with the African Union concept of Africa in mind, which includes Africans in the Diaspora as the 6th region of Africa. The other regions are North Africa, South Africa, West Africa, East Africa and Central Africa.

ART 2063’s goals include facilitating societal transformation through the collaboration of holistic development within the 9 Mountains that Transform Society. They consist of Arts, Sports, and Entertainment; Business and Economy; Education; Family; Government and International Relations; Media; Religion; Science and Technology; and Security (food and water).

Register today:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/art-2063-presents-transatlantic-partnerships-models-and-opportunities-tickets-294407369367?keep_tld=1


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