(BPRW) National Black Business Month Feature – Dr. Lisa Collins | Black PR Wire, Inc.

(BPRW) National Black Business Month Feature – Dr. Lisa Collins

(Black PR Wire) In celebration of National Black Business Month, Black PR Wire is recognizing key Black business leaders, community influencers and movers and shakers who make it happen in our communities. Today’s feature honors Dr. Lisa Collins


Lisa Y. Collins is an author, Assistant Professor, and racial healing leader. Her scholarship focuses on racial healing through a personal analysis of racialized trauma.  Her TEDx Talk chronicles the healing modalities that resulted for herself and others from her research. Her newly released book, Love of Light: A Guide to Peace and Oneness, guides consciousness, boosts self-awareness and provides tools for living in peace, and her podcast focuses on positive examples of healing practices in the world. As a playwright, she has had works produced in New York and Portland, and her short film, Be Careful What You Ask For, serves as a discussion platform for racial healing discussions. 


for more information on Dr. Collins, be sure to visit her website: lisaycollins.com


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