(BPRW) The Dream Exchange Will “Stem the Tide” In access To Capital Markets. | Black PR Wire, Inc.

(BPRW) The Dream Exchange Will “Stem the Tide” In access To Capital Markets.

(Black PR Wire) Chicago, IL —  Like southwestern Florida, the small IPO and IPOs in general are in recovery mode.

According to CNBC, total proceeds raised through IPOs decreased 95.3% in 2022. Going from a record breaking $142.4 billion raised in 2021, almost double that of the previous year, to an anemic $4.5 billion in 2022.  This is on pace for the slowest IPO market in two decades.

With small businesses severely impacted in previous economic downturns, what are the important steps that entrepreneurs can take to weather the storm. Is it even a good idea to go public during a recession? Joe Cecala, Founder and CEO of Dream Exchange said, “We know that the stock exchange model, we know that the capital market model works, it works very well, we just want it to work for everyone. That’s really the policy behind the Main Street Growth Act. It’s to open the American capital markets to all investors, of all types as well as open the opportunity to seek capital in the public markets to all people of all types.”

Dwain Kyles, Esq, Managing Member, DX Capital Partners said, “20 years ago the average IPO was valued at about $61 million. Today the average IPO comes in at a staggering $180 million. That has left a lot of companies owned by all kinds of people enormously underrepresented in terms of the resources and assets that are available. That is where the Dream Exchange comes in.”

Dream Exchange is leading the movement to rewrite this narrative. By creating an inclusive capital market that rewards ideas no matter what corner of our society those ideas come from. Any economy, whether it is the economy of a nation, business, or household, takes creativity and execution to expand. However, great ideas and creative people have been stymied by lack of access to the resources they need to execute. Dream Exchange has the solution.

To find out more about how Dream Exchange is changing the story of access to capital, register here for their upcoming webinar, Wednesday October 26th 4:00PM EST Featuring both Joe Cecala, Founder and CEO of Dream Exchange, and Dwain Kyles, Esq, Managing Member of DX Capital Partners.

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