Chicken Stories: Siri’s Guide for Newbie Farmers

[gentle music]

[insects chirping] [chicks cheeping]

[Siri] I found one article on how to take care

of baby chicks.

Step one.

Daily check for feces stuck in the baby chick’s vent.

A stopped up chick

that can’t excrete can be life-threatening,

if not treated immediately.

Step two.

Keep temperature between 95 and 100 degrees

until they can regulate their own body temperature.

Failure to maintain a warm environment

will quickly prove to be fatal.

[chicks cheeping]

[serene music]

[chickens clucking]

[serene music continues]

[car engine whirring]

[chickens clucking]

[serene music continues]

[rooster crowing]

[chickens clucking]

[Poultry Farmer 1] Beep, beep.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

[chickens clucking]

Beep, beep, beep.

Oh, oh. No.

Hey, no! [chicken shrieks]

Oh, I’m sorry.


[chickens clucking]

[chickens clucking]

[Poultry Farmer 2] I feel like they’re just

gonna kill each other if we keep them pent up.

[chickens clucking]

[chicks cheeping]

[chicks cheeping]

Where’d you lay your eggs, Missy?

[chicken clucking]

Come on out.

Yeah, it’s just this one.

Maybe we shouldn’t advertise that we sell eggs for now.

[Poultry Farmer 3] Yeah.

[chickens clucking]

[rooster crowing]

[Siri] I found one article on how

to prevent fighting roosters

from killing each other.

Step one.

Allow the roosters to free range

for a portion of the day in order

to diffuse pent up aggression and boredom.

[gentle playful music]

[gentle playful music ends]

[chicks cheeping]

[playful music]

See a red light flashing.

[Poultry Farmer 2] All right.

[chicken clucking]

[playful music rises]

[Poultry Farmer 3] You think it cawed?

[camera rattling]

[camera rattling]

[camera rattling]

[chicken clucking]

[Poultry Farmer 2] Hey, Jeff.

Do you know where she went?

Let’s take it off.

Come out.

She’s coming to you.

Sorry, baby.

[serene music]

[serene music fades]

[cages rattling]

[cages rattling]

[sticks rattling]


[rooster shrieking]

Keep going.

[rooster clucking]

[roosters crowing]

Look at that.

See, it’s got the taste for yolk now.

There it is.

[clapping] [rooster clucking]

[exhales heavily]

They’re very warm.

[Poultry Farmer 1] Really?

[Poultry Farmer 3] Yeah, they’ve been heating up

for weeks in there, dude.

Don’t eat those.

[Poultry Farmer 2] I don’t know what that is though.

I don’t know what to deal with that.

[TV Announcer] To leave office in a need like this.

Here’s Maddock, showing bunt,

and he takes a called strike.

[chicks cheeping]

[light chuckles]

[Siri] I found one article on how

to clean your baby chicken’s butts.

[Poultry Farmer 1] Like I really don’t know.

[Siri] Step one.

If your chick’s vent becomes clogged with feces,

use a cotton Q-tip moistened with warm water

to gently swab around the area until clear.

Step two.

Lubricate with oil.

[Poultry Farmer 1] Beep, beep

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

[rooster crowing]

[water swishing]

[chick cheeping softly]

[Announcer] I don’t know what’s going on

with the box, they’re making sure.

When it was single for–

[Poultry Farmer 1] We got it.


[Announcer] We wanna predict, we want answers.

They’re worried about something.

Like I told them the whole month of September

for this team.

Ooh, that’s challenging.

[chicks cheeping]

I hope the wet one’s okay.

She’s by herself.

What the hell?

I’m confused.

Is she shivering?

[Poultry Farmer 2] Yeah, and they’re pecking at it too.

[chicks cheeping]

[chicks cheeping]

[chick cheeping]

[Poultry Farmer 1] Come on.

[serene music]

[Poultry Farmer 2] Good night.

[serene music continues]

[cars purring]

[box rattling softly]

[serene music fades]

[chicken clucking]


[chickens clucking]

[rooster crowing]


[Siri] I found one article

on how to get hens to lay eggs in their nesting box.

Step one.

Place a golf ball

or a decoy egg in the box as a hint

for where the chickens should lay their eggs as well.

Step two.

Try to make the nesting boxes more appealing

for the chickens.

[chickens clucking]

[Poultry Farmer 2] She seems irritated.

[Poultry Farmer 3] Went into the box,

It was in the bottom one

and she went in there and then scoop that one out.

[Poultry Farmer 2] Well, it’s doing it.

[water swishing]

[chicks cheeping]

[Siri] I found one article on how

to revive a weak baby chick.

After isolation,

if the chick still won’t eat and is lethargic,

try dipping its beak in raw egg yolk.

Feel free to provide warm scrambled eggs too.

[chick cheeping softly]

[Poultry Farmer 1] Yay.

Good job.

Got a little bit of yolk. She’s doing it.

[water swishing]

[gentle music]

[Poultry Farmer 2] Did it poop?

[Poultry Farmer 1] Yeah.


It’s good news, I guess.

[insects chirping]

[rooster crowing]

[chickens clucking]

[gentle bright music]

It worked.


[gentle bright music continues]

[chickens clucking]

This way and then turn it around.

[Poultry Farmer 2] You guys are doing great.

[chicks cheeping]

They love the box.

[chicks cheeping]

[gentle bright music continues]

[gentle bright music continues]

[gentle bright music fades]

[birds chirping]

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