FIFA President warns breakaway clubs that they must ‘live with the consequences’

FIFA President Gianni Infantino strongly condemned the ESL on Tuesday, telling clubs — dubbed football’s “Dirty Dozen” — concerned in the proposed breakaway that they must “live with the consequences.”

Speaking at the UEFA Congress, Infantino says world soccer’s governing physique “strongly disapproves” of the new league and urged clubs to consider carefully about their subsequent transfer.

“There is a lot to throw away for maybe a short-term financial gain of sorts,” mentioned Infantino.

“They need to reflect and need to assume responsibility. They need to think not only of their shareholders, which are important of course, but they need to think of all the people.

“All the followers, of all these which have contributed to create what European soccer is right this moment. What European soccer clubs are right this moment.”

The Swiss stopped short of confirming whether players taking part in the proposed competition would be banned from FIFA’s World Cup competition but hinted there would be repercussions.

“If some elect to go their very own approach, then they must stay with the penalties of their alternative,” added Infantino, who was UEFA General Secretary between 2009 and 2016.

“They are liable for their alternative, Concretely, this implies, both you might be in or you might be out. You can’t be half in, half out.”


The ESL’s announcement on Sunday has resulted in widespread criticism, with fans, players and even politicians concerned the new competition would rip the heart out of football as we currently know it.

The league will ultimately consist of 20 teams and be governed by the founding clubs themselves. There would be no promotion or relegation from the league, with only five qualification places available each year.

The new structure would all but end competition at the highest level and would make it almost impossible for smaller teams to break into Europe’s elite, shattering the sport’s long-standing ethos.

Infantino urged the 12 breakaway clubs to have “respect” for European football and its long history.

“This is the magic of soccer, this bond from the backside to the high and take a look at the success of the high,” he said.

“I’ve been working very onerous and investing a giant a part of my life to defend the rules and the values which have given this success to the European soccer.

“We hope, of course, that everything will go back to normal, that everything will be settled but always, always with respect.

“Always performing responsibly and all the time with solidarity and all the time in the curiosity of nationwide, European and world soccer.”

More fallout expected

UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin thanked Infantino for his support at the European organization’s Congress.

On Monday, Ceferin told CNN Sport that the “shameless” new plans were akin to taking “soccer hostage.”

UEFA had voted to approve an expanded and restructured Champions League tournament which it had hoped would stop the breakaway clubs from forming a new competition.

Ceferin said he has been reassured last week that UEFA’s new plans would be enough and was surprised to hear of the announcement on Sunday.

“I used to be a legal lawyer for years and I’ve met many difficult folks that I’ve represented however I’ve by no means seen one thing like that. Ethics would not exist in the group,” Ceferin added.

“It’s onerous for me to name it Super League as a result of it is all however tremendous.”

UEFA is currently taking legal advice in relation to potentially banning the 12 clubs from domestic and European competitions.

The English Premier League is also holding on a meeting with clubs on Tuesday, without the six teams who have signed up for the ESL.

Ahead of that meeting, Everton released a blistering statement which criticized Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester Untied, Manchester City, Chelsea and Tottenham for signing up to the new format.

“Everton is saddened and dissatisfied to see proposals of a breakaway league pushed ahead by six clubs,” learn a statement from the membership’s board.

“Six clubs performing completely in their very own pursuits. Six clubs tarnishing the repute of our league and the recreation. Six clubs selecting to disrespect each different membership with whom they sit round the Premier League desk. Six clubs taking as a right and even betraying the majority of soccer supporters throughout our nation and past.

“At this time of national and international crisis — and a defining period for our game — clubs should be working together collaboratively with the ideals of our game and its supporters uppermost.

“Instead, these clubs have been secretly conspiring to interrupt away from a soccer pyramid that has served them so properly.”

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