How to set up and manage multiple Twitter accounts?

Do you have to use multiple Twitter accounts? Do you need to keep your business and private lives separate on Twitter? Perhaps you want to get political, create a pseudo account, or try your hand at being an influencer? Don’t combine business and pleasure; just make a second (or third) Twitter account and switch among them.

You can produce Twitter multiple accounts but go slow at first. If one account isn’t hitting it, try working with just two accounts, such as a personal one and a licensed one. You can always extend to a third one if necessary, but most people should find two adequate.


Table of Content: Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts


Are you a social media manager in command of a gazillion accounts you require management daily and you struggle with how to use multiple Twitter accounts?

How on Earth do you most suitable monitor, listen, and respond to multiple Twitter accounts promptly? How can you monitor, listen, and respond without missing important messages and not spend all your time on Twitter, logging in, logging out, logging in, logging out?

So, what are your options? Let me throw em out below;

How to use Multiple Twitter Accounts from your Phone?

Can you have multiple Twitter accounts? Did you grasp that an easy way to analyze Twitter multiple accounts is from your phone?

The primary Twitter app allows you to log in and stay logged in to various accounts simultaneously, which is super beneficial. With this Twitter app, you can control all your accounts for incoming direct messages and tweets (or retweets) for immediate conversations.

Here’s how to use multiple Twitter accounts on your iOS device.

Multiple Twitter Accounts from your PhoneEach account requires a separate username, but they can all be connected to the same email account if you use Gmail. Just join a dot anywhere in the username, and Twitter will read these tweaked addresses as entirely different users, even though they all point to the same account.

How to use Multiple Twitter Accounts on Desktop?

According to Twitter, you can only be logged into Twitter’s platform through one account at a time on your desktop. That is, per browser.

In their guidance section, we found this knowledge on natively manage multiple Twitter accounts from your desktop:

  • You can simply be logged in to one Twitter account at the moment, in the same browser, if you’re locating Twitter via the web.
  • If you’d like to be logged in to Twitter multiple accounts simultaneously, you can do so by using different browsers.

So how then does a busy social manager manage multiple Twitter accounts via the web? With a social media management tool, but not just any tool…

How Many Twitter Accounts Can You Manage Through Social Champ?

Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day, and approximately 200 billion tweets per year! Now that’s a lot! And competing with that is definitely not a piece of cake.

Schedule Tweets Keep Everyone Hooked

However, there is one way you can post tweets on Twitter and make your Twitter account outshine all others! That simple solution is Social Champ. The latest social media management tool that can make you post your tweets like a champ most quickly and efficiently and save you a great deal of time.

Here’s how you can manage your tweets with Social Champ and keep everyone hooked to your Twitter profile. Follow the steps to start posting or scheduling tweets on Twitter:

  • Make your personal Social Champ account
  • Add your Twitter to your newly made Social Champ account
  • Select your Twitter profile and make a post
  • Repeat your tweets multiple times
  • Analytics feature to track the number of likes, & re-tweets
  • Social Champ’s suggestions feature for rapid tweets
  • Schedule your tweets almost effortlessly
  • Manage multiple Twitter accounts with just a click
  • Make Your social presence impact more than ever

Make Your Personal Social Champ Account

The first step is to visit the website and make a personalized account on Social Champ by merely clicking on the signup button. If you already have an account, go to login.

Make Your Personal Social Champ Account

There you go! Welcome to Social Champ’s app! ????

All you have to do is select the profiles. You can always come back to this page to add more socials.

Add Your Twitter Profile to Social Champ Account

Once you have logged in, the next thing you need to do is add your Twitter profile/profiles in the app. Along with all other profiles that you have on different social media networks, add your Twitter profile by clicking on the +Account option and choosing Twitter.

Add Your Twitter Profile to Social Champ Account

Sign in to your Twitter account and check the box. Remember me.

Add Your Twitter Profile to Social Champ Account 2

Your Twitter profile is now visible on your Social Champ screen.

Select Your Twitter Profile and Make a Post

Select Your Twitter Profile and Make a Post

  1. Select Content and write a tweet. You can also upload a picture to make your tweet more attractive. You can use our royal-free images.
  2.  If you add a link, the link preview will immediately pop up!
  3.  The character count is always on a check, so your words don’t overflow.
  4. Repeat your tweets.

Repeat Your Tweets Multiple Times

Yes, it’s true! Through Social Champ, you can now repeat your posts on Twitter as many times as you want to make sure that nobody misses it!

Repeat Your Tweets Multiple Times

Social Champ is the first tool that allows you to automate your posts’ repetition according to your self-designed schedule to reinforce your marketing strategy and maximize the number of views.

Repeating your posts on Twitter ensures that your tweet stays on top throughout a selected period.

  1. Switch the toggle to repeat. You can edit how many times you want the post to be republished. And how much the distance should be between each.
  2. This schedule is shown due to the above-mentioned settings.
  3. Initial date of the repeat state to go full swing on.
  4. Select the post option and click on Accept at the bottom-right corner of your screen.

Your tweet has now been successfully posted on your Twitter account!

You can log in to your Twitter account to verify your post. Your post is going to be right there! You actually managed to post your tweet in no time without even opening a separate tab for Twitter.

Analytics Feature to Track the Number of Likes & Re-Tweets

Social Champ tracks the record of multiple responses on the Content you posted or scheduled through the app. It traces the number of likes, comments, and shares of your post in a simple and easy-to-understand tabular representation, which helps you analyze your brand’s/service’s growth trends and plan accordingly.

Twitter Scheduling Made Easy!​​

Try Social Champ to manage and organize everything in a single tab. From posting to scheduling, replying to customers, to tracking numbers – get all done through single tab.


Social Champ’s Suggestions Feature For Rapid Tweets

Social Champ offers a tab that opens a stream of suggestions of all the Content daily uploaded on the internet, including blogs, articles, newsletters, pictures and everything posted online, which you can review and give a reference to in your posts. Click on Suggestions and type something relevant to your tweet to see what stories you can share.

Schedule Tweets Almost Effortlessly

Do you face the problem of forgetting to post some of the most critical tweets at the most prime time when almost all your followers are online? No worries!

With Social Champ at your service, you can now schedule your tweets for whichever time slot you like by selecting “Schedule.” You can set the time of your tweet according to your preference and choose “Accept.” You can now sit back and relax! Your tweet will automatically be posted at the time you have set.

Schedule Tweets

Generate leads by getting to know more about the people relating to your brand, why they’re forwarding your content, and who they’re sharing it with.

  • Find industry influencers to share your experience with.
  • Analyze your competition to see detailed information on their tweets, mentions, hashtags, followers, and more.
  • Search trending topics by content, hashtags, search terms, sources, and more.
  • Edit and add images to your tweets. Or GIFs are always the best way to go!
  • Manage who you follow (and unfollow) to add valuable new information to your Twitter feed—and remove inactive and spammy followers.
  • Time your posts for maximum impact with tools that analyze both your tweets and your followers’ tweets.

Strategize Multiple Twitter Accounts of Business

A well-created system is an establishment for progress—and it’s what isolates the best brands on Twitter from the likewise ones.

Without a reasonable strategy, you will sit around idly and cash tweeting without an unmistakable comprehension of how your exercises are helping your association meet its objectives.

Also, when it comes time to audit your presentation, you’ll battle to demonstrate what you’ve accomplished.

Furthermore, that will make it challenging to present the defense for expanding your group size or spending plan.

To the uninitiated, Twitter can still seem like an untamed frontier. With more than 340 million tweets posted every day, the sheer volume of information alone can be overwhelming.

There’s plenty a business owner or brand strategist can do to market itself on Twitter, but more than anything, it can be a fantastic listening platform.

Search for your brand’s name on Twitter once in a while; you may be surprised what people are saying. And don’t be afraid to respond, either.

This social network can also be a wonderful place to connect with other green industry professionals, trade associations, and other thought leaders.

You can swap new ideas and best practices, find out what’s happened at trade shows and garden center tours, and keep up with industry news.

Strategize Multiple Twitter Accounts of Business

Why Have People Unfollowed You?

You’re A Self-promoter

Lots of people mentioned that they were turned off by Twitter users who do nothing but promote their own content.

While lots of us have businesses and blogs we’re trying to get the word out about, it’s essential that you also take time to listen and support what everyone else is doing.

You don’t want to be the guy that puts the “me” in social media.

You’re Too Unprofessional

Too much tweeting about how drunk you got last night, whom you were with or how much you hate your coworkers tends to make everyone a little uncomfortable.

And then they unfollow you, so they don’t have to feel uncomfortable anymore.

You Auto-Direct-Message (DM)Nothing hurts more than choosing to follow someone you think is cool and then being hit with the dread auto spam DM. Ouch.

If you’re all links and no talk, you’re not providing much value to your Twitter stream. And people aren’t going to stick around for very long.


Twitter accounts to business Twitter accounts to a fan who represents Wendys, there are numerous methods to broaden beyond your average, uninteresting Twitter individual account. Twitter, unlike numerous other social network channels, likewise makes it reasonably simple to register for brand-new accounts and switch in between various accounts right on the app itself.

By running several Twitter accounts, you have the capability to make a bigger mark in the digital world than previously. You use up more area in this irregular galaxy of social discourse we call Twitter. Or, more properly, you’re your very own Twitter planetary system.

Utilize your power sensibly with the use of tools that help you keep your Twitter posting on fleek like Social Champ and its repeat feature does, do not state foolish things, and for paradise’s sake, do not tweet about exactly what you consumed for lunch.


  1. Can you run multiple Twitter accounts?
  2. How many Twitter accounts can you be logged into at once from the browser?
    You can only be logged into one Twitter account per browser.
  3. Is it against Twitter rules to have multiple accounts?
    No, you can create as many Twitter accounts as you like, but with different email addresses.
  4. How do I delete multiple Twitter accounts?
    You can only deactivate a Twitter account by going to the account settings.
  5. Can I delete my Twitter account and make a new one with the same email?
    When you deactivate a Twitter account, your username and email become void and you cannot use them to make a new account.
  6. How do I add a second account to Twitter?
    Tap on “Add an existing account” from the account settings on the app to link your second Twitter account.

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