Instagram’s Favorite New Yorker Cartoons in 2023

If the algorithm is to be believed, what I want to see on Instagram are videos of people falling off horses, photos of celebrities before and after alleged plastic surgery (or did her nose lose weight?), and endless reels of amateur chefs sautéing things in lots of butter. Oh, and cartoons, of course. Who wouldn’t want to scroll through top-notch examples of the proto-meme: single-panel gags, the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’ams of joke-telling?

Well, it seems that many of you also enjoyed double-tapping on New Yorker cartoons this past year (for which I, as cartoon editor, join the cartoonists in thanking you). Jokes about exercising and parenting, pets and sports, socializing and personal hygiene: you liked them—a lot. So in the generous holiday spirit of not watching a kid get bucked off a pony, I instead invite you to enjoy these delicious, butyraceous cartoons, which you all dug the most on Instagram in 2023.

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