Iran accuses Israel of attacking Natanz nuclear facility

Iran’s prime diplomat on Monday accused Israel of being accountable for a mysterious electrical blackout at its underground Natanz atomic facility.

The accusation from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif comes as world powers and Tehran have renewed diplomatic efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear deal exited by former President Donald Trump. Ongoing talks are happening in Vienna. 

“The Zionists want to take revenge on the Iranian people for their success in lifting the oppressive sanctions, but we will not allow it and we will take revenge on the Zionists themselves,” Zarif mentioned in feedback carried by Iran’s official IRNA information company.

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The Natanz outage came about Sunday, when the pinnacle of Iran’s civilian nuclear company Ali Akbar Salehi blamed “nuclear terrorism” however Salehi stopped brief of instantly pointing the finger at Israel. Israel has not commented on the allegation.

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