Obama Persuades Republicans to Take Vaccine by Urging Them Not To

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to overcome the nagging drawback of vaccine hesitancy amongst Republicans, former President Barack Obama is showing in a brand new video urging them not to take the coronavirus vaccine.

In the public-service announcement, Obama appears instantly into the digital camera and says, “I’m speaking today to Republicans across the country. I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but now I’m reaching out to ask you for a special favor: to not take the vaccine. It would mean a lot to me and make me very happy.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, because the Obama spot began airing, on Monday, requests for vaccines from members of the G.O.P. have skyrocketed, with Republicans reportedly lining up across the block at some vaccination websites.

“It turns out that the former President was the perfect messenger,” Harland Dorrinson, a C.D.C. spokesperson, mentioned. “At the C.D.C., we are all saying, ‘Thanks, Obama.’ ”

Speaking to reporters, Obama mentioned that he was “pleased” that his focused message to Republicans appeared to be having the specified influence. “Looks like I’ve still got it,” he mentioned.

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