Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion | It is terrifying to know I no longer have autonomy over my own body

Opinion | It is terrifying to know I no longer have autonomy over my own body

Regarding the June 23 front-page article “A fragile new phase”:

It is terrifying to know I no longer have autonomy over my own body.

I’m a senior in high school, and witnessing the past year’s events after the overturning of Roe v. Wade has been a rude awakening to what the world I am growing up in has become. This past year, I watched my rights be taken away by the hands of men who think of me as less than a full human being. If Roe was so easily overturned, who is to say this is not just the first step in taking complete control of women’s lives?

I cannot help but think of my mother. At one time, a pregnancy was threatening her life, and I cannot imagine what could have happened had she not been able to get an abortion. Her access to an abortion has saved her life in more ways than one — and led to the lives of my siblings and me, just as abortions have saved the lives of so many other women.

I hope the voices of people who agree with me will be loud enough to bring back our rights. I hope the future can be bright for me, my younger sister, my friends — and every other woman in the country.

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