In the times of sharp divisiveness in today’s highly politicized and polarized world today, it is a welcome relief that the U.N. Security Council has come to a major consensus on approving a Kenya-led multinational security mission to Haiti to combat protracted gang violence and unabated lawlessness [“U.N. authorizes sending Kenya-led force to help quell gang violence in Haiti,” news, Oct. 3].
However, instead of English-speaking Kenyan soldiers being deployed to Haiti, where French and Haitian Creole are the two official languages, a deployment that includes French speakers would have been more effective.
Also, given the shameful history of diluted accountability for rampant sexual and child abuse committed by peacekeeping forces in the past, I hope the authorities are taking preemptive measures to address this serious issue, lest the designated protectors become the perpetrators with impunity again.
Atul Karnik, Woodside, N.Y.