RFK Jr. Endorses Rand Paul To Replace Mitch McConnell As Republican Senate Leader



On Wednesday, Mitch McConnell announced he would be stepping down as Senate Minority Leader in November.

Also on Wednesday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested a replacement: Rand Paul.

“Part of public service is about knowing when to usher in a new generation,” the independent presidential candidate wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “It’s time to promote leaders in Washington, DC who won’t kowtow to the military contractors or push us deeper into foreign conflicts.”

RELATED: Trump Jr. Rips Mitch McConnell as ‘Pro-Amnesty Turtle’ After Vast Majority of $118 Billion Senate Bill Goes to Israel, Ukraine

‘Rand Paul Would Be an Incredible Successor’

Kennedy concluded, “We need representation who will prioritize American wellness over all else. I believe @RandPaul would be an incredible successor. “

“He’s shown great judgment and has the grit to put hardworking Americans first,” he finished.

That’s quite the endorsement, especially since Rand and Bobby agree on precious few topics.

Mediate reported, “McConnell, who is one of the oldest members of the Senate at age 82, announced he would be resigning his position as Senate minority leader on Wednesday, just one day after he was grilled by a reporter on why he had not yet endorsed former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” said McConnell in a speech. “So I stand before you today, my colleagues. to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.”

The story continued:

Earlier this month, Paul accused his Kentucky colleague of “criminal neglect” over his support for sending “$100 billion overseas to fix someone else’s border before addressing our border.”

“The leadership of the Senate under Mitch McConnell is more concerned with sending your money to Ukraine than they are with the invasion of the southern border, and I’ve had enough,” Paul complained. “I’m going to do everything in my power to slow down and stop this.”

Paul is not wrong. McConnell partnered with Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to craft a bill earlier this month that would have sent billions more to Ukraine and largely fail to address the chaos on America’s southern border.

RELATED: Byron Donalds, Who Is On Trump’s VP Short List, Says Congress Should Defund The Government ‘If The Border Is Not Secured’


So good riddance to Mitch McConnell.

And you would be hard pressed to find a better replacement than Rand Paul: the anti-McConnell.

Mitch McConnell Stepping Down As Senate Republican Leader

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