Far-Left actor Robert De Niro has joined the very exclusive club of Hollywood stars that have tastelessly compared Donald Trump to Nazi Party Leader Adolf Hitler, baselessly claiming that re-electing the former president would be “f—king scary.”

In a recent interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle — who quoted the actor’s own words calling the former president a “con artist” — De Niro declared “He is more than that to me,” later adding that he believes Trump is “sick.”
“He’s really, genuinely a sick person that somehow has been allowed into our system,” the actor opined. “And I’m tired of calling him names — he just can’t be anywhere near the office of the presidency.”
Regurgitating a question De Niro has been asked in more than one occasion in recent time, Ruhle inquired, “You’ve played a lot of bad guys, would you ever play Donald Trump?” To which the actor replied, “Never. There’s nothing about him… not one redeeming thing in him that I can see, ever.”
“It’s funny, I was just thinking that he actually became president,” he continued before, without bringing forth any piece of empirical evidence to back his delusional claim, De Niro accused, “He could’ve done good things [and] instead he just had to do it all wrong. He is so, as we all know, he is so narcissistic and self-centered.”

When asked what his message to registered voters who don’t like Trump but will still choose to vote for him in the upcoming presidential election, De Niro declared, “I don’t understand it. I don’t think they understand how dangerous it will be if he ever, God forbid, becomes president. “
“I don’t think they really understand,” he further asserted. “And historically, from what I see, even in Nazi Germany they had it with Hitler. Don’t take him seriously. He looks like a clown and acts like a clown. Mussolini… same thing.”

De Niro, who moments earlier said he was tired of calling Trump names, proceeded to call the former president a clown, adding, “These guys, I don’t know why, they look like clowns and somehow people… that element of society identifies in some ways with him but it would be chaos beyond our imagination.”
“There’s no mystery about [Trump], he is right out front, and what he says is what it’ll be if he becomes president,” De Niro further yapped, before he said that the country’s democracy will be at risk if Trump won the election.

“I always keep saying [that] democracy is great, of course, but democracy people take for granted. It is a word some people don’t even understand — they take it for granted,” the actor lamented. “It’s about right and wrong. Period. [Trump] is a monster — he is beyond wrong.”
Yet again he would proceed to baselessly accuse, “It’s almost like he wants to do the most horrible things that he can think of in order to get a rise out of us. I don’t know what it is but he’s been doing it and doing it, and it’s f—king scary.”

As he kept rambling, De Niro also said that he started to see similarities between an eventual Trump presidency and Nazi Germany. Recounting when people from Eastern Europe and Jews arrived in the US as they escaped during World War II, the actor said, “When I was a kid, they would say, ‘You don’t really appreciate this country. You don’t really. We know from experience.’”
“Imagine what those people went through,” De Niro pondered, adding, “I’m just starting to see it. As a kid I said, ‘Hitler is a nightmare, that would never happen,’ but now I see that it’s possible,” before he went on to declare that re-electing Joe Biden is the only choice America has.

He said of Biden, “We don’t have a choice, and I think he is the right guy. He is trying to do the right thing. We don’t have a choice, and I say that in a very positive, good way.”