Trump Just Released The Funniest Campaign Ad As A Response To Haley Calling Him ‘Chicken’


Screenshot/Vince Langman X

Nikki Haley’s campaign recently released an ad calling Donald Trump “chicken” for not wanting to debate her.

And Trump’s campaign had one of the best response ads you’ll ever see.

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Team Haley: ‘Donald Trump is Chicken’

The primary super PAC that’s behind Haley ran a new advertisement Wednesday during Fox News host Sean Hannity’s program.

The ad called Trump “chicken” for not debating Haley, asking if the former president was “Too old and unfit?” and “Or just unhinged and afraid? We don’t know.”

“But one thing we do know. Donald Trump is chicken,” the ad insisted.

Team Trump’s response was a thing of beauty.

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For starters: He asked why in the world would Trump want to debate Haley considering how badly she’s lost every contest?

She even came in third in New Hampshire when there were still other people in the race.

“Nikki Haley says she wants to debate Donald Trump,” the Trump ad begins.

With a chicken standing in it.

“What’s the point?” it asks, rattling off all of her primary losses and pointing out that in Nevada she was beat by “None of the Above.”

“Now she’s sinking in the polls,” the ad went on, showing headlines that read that Trump is “crushing” Haley in her own home state of South Carolina.

“We all know how this ends,” the ad says.

That’s when the chicken walks off the screen to be replaced with an image of…

…fried chicken! “

“Stick a fork in Nikki Haley,” the ad says alongside a bucket of fried chicken.

“She’s done,” the ad finishes, with Trump’s campaign logos adorning the screen.

Here are both ads side-by-side.

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Bring On the Funny

This election is going to have some hilarious moments and it’s only February.

The Republicans don’t officially have a presidential nominee yet nor do the Democrats, technically.

But most expect Trump to take on current Democratic President Joe Biden – who is often funny unintentionally and when he’s not even trying.

He doesn’t seem to know where he is half the time. You know Donald Trump will be all over that.

This has only just begun.

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He… More about John Hanson

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