In California, people are growing restless as they are not receiving any vaccine against this disease which has taken lives of millions of people world wide. According to the posters, government is making huge investments for the making of vaccine, but at the end they haven’t received any result yet. The citizens are targeting the government by saying “the Government is only making false promises and fooling the citizens”.

President Trump and other leaders are passing comments that this research is being performed under the list of urgent works and is the most important mission in the complete world wide history which needs to be completed soon. But the government is witnessing failure on trials of all the attempts of creating the vaccine.

Even a retired elementary school teacher Joanne Barnes of from Alaska spoke against the government and Trump by stating “I have absolutely no faith in the F.D.A and this Trump administration”. Now the members in anti- vaccine group have started to increase and are raising their voice against the Trump administration.

Seeing the current situation and protests of anti-vaccine troop, a professor of public health at the University of Maryland (Crouse Quinn) broke her silence and addressed the citizens by stating “If you’re smart, you’re worried we won’t have a vaccine, and if you’re smart, you’re worried that maybe we’ve moved so fast that we’ll accept a level of risk that we might not ordinarily accept”. Seeing this many senior health specialists like Dr. Quinn came up to the support of Trump and addressed the people in favour of the situation.